Why does this blog exist? Why do we need another blog?
The purpose of this blog is to try to make dog training more available and more accessible to the average dog owner. Training is in large part science and in large part skill in the trainer applying the science. I believe that there are those who have innate knowledge. But their knowledge and their skill is describable and available to mere mortals such as ourselves. I can take any episode of Dog Whisperer and explain why it works. My desire is to educate you so that you can explain why a training exercise is successful. I want you to be able to pull back the covers and understand what is happening underneath
I train bird dogs for hunting. Pointing breeds. In this training, I have found that a lot of my experience is applicable to most every dog. Pointing breed, flushing breed, and companion dog.
I am not a pro trainer. I have trained a few dogs (my dogs and my friends' dogs). I've trained a few wild hawks. I've trained one cat and a parakeet. I even once trained my wife without her knowledge. I train because I find it fascinating and I love it. I love to learn more about it.
If you contact me, I'll not lie to you. If I've trained (or trained away) a particular behavior, I will tell you. If I have a good (but untried) idea, I will tell you. I'll refer you to other trainers when necessary. But, above all, I will reply.
This blog is a continuation of another blog (http://www.chicagonow.com/training-the-wolf). That one was hosted by the Chicago Tribune, but since I have moved from Chicago to Western Michigan, I had to relocate my writing here. But, please, check out earlier posts there to get a handle on who I am.
Welcome aboard. Please subscribe (on the pane on the right). Feel free to email me. It'll be a hoot!
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